Great sale in Graham, WA, Friday, June 9th!

I love this gang of cherubs hanging out.

A Lot of Great Looking Ceramics
Vintage Clothing! Don’t sleep. I love this top, but the tee and jeans are also really good.

Camaro tee, Vintage Cowboy King!
Lovely rug / tapestry:

Here’s a similar find on Etsy:
Now we come to the entire reason to drive to Graham, WA for this sale:

PNW Camaro Club!!
Greatest jacket ever, someone go get this.

See the Lion Sweatshirt down near the bottom? So good.

Similar at Free People:
Cute tops:
I’ve always wanted one of these “Damper Open / Damper Closed” signs for my fireplace:

Is the damper open?
But I like this style better:
Better design because you can tell by the position whether the damper is open or closed and you don’t have to flip the sign back and forth.
And finally, the classic glass fishing float:

Buoy / Sea Glass
Have fun!